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Desktop Organiser 2.0.0 Manual

Initial run

There are a couple of things to note when you run it for the first time.

  1. You must ensure that the desktop is not configured to organise itself.
    1. Click on the desktop
    2. Select "View->Show View Options" from the menu bar (Cmd + J)
    3. Select "None" from the "Sort By:" drop-down list.

Use the menubar to access the features of Desktop Organiser while it is running.

1. Toggle continuous organising

When enabled, Desktop Organiser every few seconds checks the desktop to see if the icons on it have changed, and if so re-organises them.

2. Organise now

Do a full re-organise right now. Occasionally Desktop Organiser can get out of sync with the desktop. This should resync it.

3. Change Layout

Show the layout windows so you can adjust their configuration.

4. Show the preferences window

5. Quit Desktop Organiser

Preferences Window

The preferences window is where you configure the general settings for Desktop Organiser, and provides access to the features' store.

1. Global grid spacing

Select the checkbox to specify a gridspacing that all groups should use, and use the slider to adjust it.

Otherwise you can configure the grid-spacing of each layout window in the window itself.

2. Open the feature store window

Select the checkbox to specify a gridspacing that all groups should use, and use the slider to adjust it.

Otherwise you can configure the grid-spacing of each layout window in the window itself.

Layout Window

Each layout window allows you to configure what goes in each group on your desktop.

1. Order from buttons

Click one of these corner buttons to arrange the icons from the respective corners of the windows

2. Add a new layout window

Creates a new layout window on the current screen.

3. Remove this layout window

4. Change what kind of icon is included in this window

If a kind is shown in the drop down menu, Desktop Organiser may not have learnt it yet. To make it do so, add an icon of that kind to the desktop and Desktop Organiser should learn it.

5 and 6. Add and remove kinds from the window.

7. The grid spacing for this window

If use of a global grid spacing is set in the Preferences Window, then this will be disabled.

Feature store window

The feature store window allows you to purchase the app to remove the trial notifications, and will allow you to purchase new features if you want them when they are released.

In the image above, the application has been paid for, and so the button to purchase it has been disabled, and the status light is green.

Copyright 2018 David Park